Dear Praying Friends,
We have been on deputation only since January, but the Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to preach and present our work in seven different churches already. We have been to Indiana, Oklahoma, and many parts of Illinois. We are scheduled to be in Michigan next month, and several churches across the country have invited us to come later this year and in 1997. Right now we have three supporting churches, which means we have about 6% of our support.
The kids are doing well in home schooling. They are a few weeks ahead in their work, so we have allowed them to participate in the fund-raiser for our church’s academy. So far, they have sold almost $1600.00 worth of candy bars! I don’t know how they do it. The family has enjoyed singing together in many of the churches we have visited. For the past few years we have been involved in evangelism, so they are used to the travel, visiting different churches, and being a blessing to God’s people.
Ruth and I are going to Chattanooga, Tennessee for BIMI candidate school in June. It will be hard on us (especially her) to leave the children with babysitters for two weeks. We had to endure the same thing last September when we took an evangelistic trip to the former Soviet Union. The Lord blessed that trip with 1163 precious souls saved to the glory of God.
Some things to pray about:
That churches will have us in to present our ministry
That I will have wisdom in deciding when to quit my job, sell the house, etc. to go on full-time deputation
Safety as we travel
That the Lord will keep the door of opportunity open in Russia
Serving Him,
Don Ossewaarde