“Ever since you came to my door, I’ve been walking on cloud nine!”
This was said by a sweet lady who lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where Ruth and I attended BIMI missionary Candidate school. I’ll tell you her story in a minute.
Candidate school at BIMI was a wonderful blessing. We were able to stay in the new facilities - so beautiful and so convenient! Our thanks to all the people who have helped BIMI purchase and renovate this former rehabilitation hospital.
For 2 weeks, we started each day with a devotional challenge, then attended practical classes all day. The subjects included:
- Starting indigenous churches
- Basic carpentry and wiring
- Deputation
- Ethics
- Finances
- Training nationals
- Baptist distinctives
- First aid & medicine
- Slide presentations
- Music
- Computers
- Culture shock
- The family
Everything was so practical! Most subjects were taught by veteran missionaries. It was great to hear their thrilling stories of life on the field. Each night there was a revival - style preaching service.
With over 80 candidates at this year’s school, we made many new friends, some of them going to Eastern Europe like we are. All candidates were thoroughly questioned, examined, and tested before we were approved as official BIMI missionaries.
For Ruth and me, however, the highlight of candidate school was the Saturday afternoon we went soulwinning in Chattanooga. We met a lady who gladly trusted Christ for salvation. She came to church with us and brought along her husband, her daughter, two neighbors, an aunt, and two cousins! She even brought her own towel so she could get baptized! In giving testimony, she said she was “walking on cloud nine.” Praise God, she’ll be walking the golden streets of Heaven someday.
Pray that we can raise our support quickly, so that the people of Russia can hear the Gospel. They too, can be walking on golden streets someday.
Prayer needs:
- Sale of our house
- Finding a suitable motor home or travel trailer
- a laptop computer
- Traveling mercies
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde