May/June 1998
Dear praying friends,
In May and June our deputation travels took us north from Illinois to Pennsylvania, as far south as Oklahoma and Georgia, and many places in between. We had many opportunities to preach, sing, and tell of our burden to bring the Gospel to Russia. It was a special blessing to attend some old-fashioned campmeetings "south o' the Mason-Dixon Line". They were great, even for a Yankee boy like me!
We are praising God for the lowest gasoline prices since I got my driver's license. In most places we go, gas is less than $1.00 a gallon. We have paid as little as 77 cents per gallon (in Georgia). Fuel is one of our biggest expenses. These bargain prices make the Lord's money go a lot farther down the road!
We only had a few minor mechanical problems this time around. I did some work on the brakes and the tires. I think most of the things that could break were fixed in February and March. (just kidding!) We appreciate all your prayers for our travel safety.
Ruth was able to spend a few days with her parents in northern Illinois. They are Godly Christian people, and are always such a blessing to visit. It was good for the kids to see Grandpa and Grandma again. We also visited my brother, Bob, who is a pastor in Indiana. We sang in his church, and I preached about missions.
Our health is good, we continue to see people saved in our personal soulwinning, and a few more churches have taken us on for support. The political situation in Russia is unstable, as usual, but God is still in control. He clearly has not changed His mind about "Go ye therefore and teach all nations…". We are still praying that we could leave for the field by the end of this year, or early next year. Please remember us in your prayers.
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde