February - March 2005
At the University
Jason and Marina were the first people who came to our home Bible study. They decided to move to America, and we were sad to see them go. Some Sundays they were the only ones who came. Jason left for America first, and Marina faithfully came to our Bible studies until she went to join him. Just before she left, she said, “After I go, I’m sure that God will send you many other people.”
After that, Yulia started coming faithfully to our Sunday meetings. She teaches at the state university. She told me that her English class was studying the United States constitution, and asked if I would like to give a lecture in English on that subject. She told me that I was welcome to mention that the founding fathers based our republic on religious principles from the Bible. I accepted her invitation, and spoke for an hour to about 75 students on “Bible principles in the US constitution”. I talked about:
- individual responsibility vs. collectivism (Every man must give an account
of himself before God.)
- private property ownership (Thou shalt not steal.)
- limited government (Man has a sinful nature and cannot be trusted with
unlimited power.)
- unalienable rights (They come from God, not from government.)
- freedom of conscience, freedom to worship, separation of church and state
They asked questions for about another half hour, then they invited us to another class, where they kept asking questions for another hour and a half. We gave them New Testaments and invited them to our Sunday Bible study. Some of them asked if I would consider doing a Bible study in English. We decided to try it on Thursday afternoons, and several students have come, including Vladimir, Sasha, Mary, Lena, Kate, Anya, Vanessa, and Helen. They are interested in spiritual things and ask a lot of questions! Anya is already saved, and she has a burden to reach other students in the university. I have been back to the university to speak to 5 other English classes. There is even a possibility that they will offer me a classroom for a regular weekly meeting. Please pray about this!
Larissa was a first time visitor to our Sunday meeting. I showed her the plan of salvation, and she was interested, but hesitant. She has had a hard life. She said she would come back and learn more.
Pavel and his wife visited again. We talked about salvation for a while after the service. He does not see himself as lost, but he is thinking about it a lot.
I was knocking on doors with my son, Alan, and we met Varvara. She is about
80 years old, and she does not get out much. She was glad to have a visitor, so
we shared the plan of salvation with her, and she gladly trusted Christ! She has
been praying to God for years and she loves Him, but she never knew how to be
saved. She said that God must have sent us to tell her. I surely believe that He
Alexander lives out in a village, and he has been taking our Bible
correspondence lessons. Pray that he will be saved. I’ve given him the plan of
salvation through the mail, but I have not met him yet. He was not home the last
time I went to his village. Pray that he will be saved.
Cindy and Alan tried in vain to find some good arrangements of Gospel music for accordion. Finally they decided to learn to arrange it themselves! They arranged several songs and we have posted the results on our website!
Hundreds of people gathered in the park for “pancake day” - a spring holiday. We were there giving away New Testaments - 720 of them! We have given away about 16,000, and we have about 9000 more to give away in the near future.
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde