November - December 2009
Victor is the man seated in the front center of the picture. He recently started coming to our services with Svetlana and her daughter, Irina. Victor has studied several different religions in search of answers for his many personal and physical problems. He heard that his friend, Irina, was baptized in the river this summer, so he decided to come and find out what we were teaching. The very first Sunday he came, we had a long talk about Salvation. He understood very well, but he said he wanted to wait. A few weeks later, at our Wednesday night service, he spoke up during testimony time, and said that he would probably get saved on Sunday. I told him he could get saved right now if he wanted to! I took the time to review the plan of Salvation with him. Victor stood up and prayed in his own words to receive Christ as his Savior, and that was before the second congregational song! Everyone was so excited!
I was invited to speak at a university, not the same one where I have spoken before. The professor of economics wanted me to talk to his class. I spoke to about 30 students on “The Bible and Economics”. He invited me back a week later to speak again. I gave everybody Gospel tracts and creation science DVDs.
We have paid $42,400 for our church building, which is about 82% of the loan amount. You may want to help by sending a gift to: BIMI, P.O. Box 9215, Chattanooga, TN 37412. Designate it for “Ossewaarde - Project Russian Church Building”.
Ruth and I want to wish each of you a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year!
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde