November - December 2011
We have received several more letters from inmates in the local
hospital for the criminally insane. I’m not sure how they got my address, but I
am glad to respond to them. Most of their letters are simple requests for a
Bible. We send them Bibles, some Christian books, and a long personal letter
that clearly explains the plan of salvation. One man wrote a short letter that
was almost impossible to read. I deciphered it with the help of Alex, who used
to be a schoolteacher. It said, “Please excuse my bad handwriting. I am almost
illiterate. I went to a special education school, but I didn’t learn much. I
have done a crime. I killed someone’s grandmother, and so I am here. I am very
regretful. Please send me a cross that I can wear on a string around my neck”. I
sent him a Bible, a story book, and a letter explaining why he needs Jesus, and
not a cross on a string. Please pray for him. His name is Yevgeny (Eugene).
We had a nice thanksgiving this year. We were especially glad to find
some turkey meat this year. It was delicious!
The national elections for the Russian parliament in December were
tainted by widespread accusations of fraud. Mr. Putin’s political party, United
Russia, holds an overwhelming majority of all government offices. They tried
hard to keep that majority, but many voters are unhappy that Putin has decided
to run for president again next year. His party lost 77 parliament seats, going
from a 70% majority to 52%. Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in
Our missionary friends, the Deckers, have gone on furlough for five
months. Their church is about 30 miles away from ours, in the city of
Sergei started attending our services in December. He found one of our
tracts in a mailbox. He left the Orthodox Church years ago, because he was sure
they did not teach the truth. He studied with the Jehovah’s witnesses for a
while, but he left them for the same reason. He really likes our music and our
preaching. He does not have a clear testimony of salvation, but he knows a lot
about the Bible, and we pray that he will settle the question soon.
In November, we made the final payment on our church building loan. In
2006, we borrowed $52,000, and the total payback, including all the interest,
was $61,441.99. Praise the Lord! We are very grateful to all of you who made
special donations to this need.
Ruth and I expect to be in the states for a furlough in 2012. Our plans
are not final yet, but we should be there from May through September. Please
contact us if you would like us to visit your church. Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to all of you!
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde