March - April 2012
Sergei Trusts in Christ
Sergei has been coming to our services for a few months. After several
long talks, he began to comprehend the plan of salvation, but he was reluctant
to take that step of faith. One Wednesday night, I asked for prayer requests,
and Sergei asked us to pray about a personal need in his life. Without being
unkind or disrespectful, I told him, “Sergei, you are asking God to help you
with an earthly need, but you have never asked Him to help you with your eternal
need. If you would get saved, God could begin to work in your life and then you
would find answers for these other problems.” I reviewed what we had studied
together about the plan of Salvation. He did not want to settle the matter right
there, but he promised to talk to God about it that night when he got home. The
next Sunday, he told us, “I asked God to forgive my sins and to give me eternal
Salvation.” Praise the Lord! I encouraged him to be baptized before I went to
The wallpaper in our church foyer was damaged a bit when the roof
leaked. I repaired the roof a while ago, and when we were sure that it would not
leak anymore, I replaced the wallpaper and the ceiling tiles. Russian homes are
not built with straight and even walls, so wallpapering is a difficult
challenge. My experience in such work is limited, but with the Lord’s help, the
result was very satisfactory.
During the month of April, we were very busy with preparations for our
summer furlough. We had a pleasant trip from
We are now in the states on furlough until October 1. If you want us to
visit your church this summer, please contact us. We would be happy to come and
give a report. I have prepared a new 10½ minute video presentation, which I plan
to mail to each of our supporting churches.
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde