>All prayer letters
September - October 2012
Baptized on his Birthday

We finished up our furlough in September by visiting churches in
Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Connecticut, Indiana,
and Illinois.
Our travels in 5 months added up to 23,000 miles. Praise the Lord for safety on
the roads. We had only one small incident, when a semi truck swerved out of his
lane, bumped into us, and caused minor damage to our car door.
The last few days of September were busy with packing and family time.
We left the USA on October 1st, and flew back to Moscow by way of
Sweden. The trip
was pleasant and free of problems. All of our baggage arrived safely.
When Sergei trusted Christ earlier this year, I encouraged him to get
baptized. I would have liked to baptize him before we left on furlough, but he
wanted to wait. He asked if I would baptize him on his birthday, October 3rd. We
were traveling on October 1st and 2nd, but we were glad to baptize him on our
first day back in Russia after our
furlough. He is happy to be saved, and his life has really changed since he
trusted Christ.
While we were in
America, a young lady named Ksenya started
coming to our services again. She had studied with us for a few years, but she
stopped coming about four years ago. Now she was ready to learn more. Our
partner missionaries, the Travis Decker family, led Ksenya to Christ, and
baptized her during the summer. We are so happy that we had a part in reaching
her, and we are excited that she is growing in the Lord.
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde