January - February 2013
Busy in the Winter
In January I replaced many of the tiles on the wall in our bathroom. They were installed 10 years ago, but several of them decided to come unglued. I was in the room when they started to fall, and I thought for a moment that some Russian spies were trying to tunnel through the wall! The repair job was a good handyman project for these long winter nights.
We made another visit to the home of Alexei and Yulia. They served a dinner for us, and told us all about his recent hernia operation. The doctors made three tiny holes, and installed a Kevlar screen mesh inside of his abdominal wall to repair the hernia. They told him it would last 100 years! He is almost 80 years old now. I told him again that he needs to be saved, but he is still resisting the Gospel. Pray for Alexei.
I brought some Bibles and other books to the hospital for the criminally insane. The inmates write to me and ask for literature. The officials were hesitant about accepting the materials this time. The Orthodox priest, who is in charge of spiritual matters at the hospital, says that the inmates don’t need my materials. I argued with the officials, explaining that the inmates had requested these things, so they finally accepted them.
Ruth and I took a quick trip to Moscow to buy some Bibles and other things. It was a long day, but we had fun.
I went to Israel in February for a 10 day ministry trip. Our group of Americans traveled all over the land of the Bible, singing, preaching, distributing literature, and showing friendship and support to the Jewish people and their nation. I think it was a very fruitful trip. Israelis are very glad to know that they have friends in a world that hates them. I was able to witness to some Russian speaking people there. Many thanks to those who donated to make this trip possible. We crossed paths with another group of Americans, led by former governor Mike Huckabee. I talked to him for a few minutes! I was glad that my son Alan could come with me on this trip. He graduated from Bible college last year, and is looking for a place to serve the Lord. I don’t think that he will be serving in Israel, but he is seeking God’s will.
We choose a new memory verse for our people every month. In February, we memorized 1 John 3:1, “Behold what manner of love…”. When the people can say it from memory to Ruth, she rewards them with a special “Alyonka” Russian chocolate bar!
I have been preaching through the book of First Corinthians for a few months. It has been a blessing. We had two new visitors from Africa. They are students here at the Oryol State University. The mail has been extra slow lately. We were still getting Christmas cards from some of you in February! Thank you for keeping in touch with us. We love to hear from you.
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde