September - October 2013
A Birthday and a Baby
I celebrated my 53rd birthday in October. I used to think that was old, but I feel healthy enough to keep on serving the Lord until He comes again. (Looking at current events, I expect that will happen sooner rather than later.)
My son Alan and his wife were expecting their second baby in late October, so I was hoping that he would be born on my birthday. Sure enough, they went to the hospital on that day! But our new grandson, Cole Elliott Ossewaarde, did not cooperate. He was born just after midnight the next day. If he had come just one hour earlier, we would have shared a birthday. I suppose he wanted to have his own birthday instead of sharing a used one with his old grandpa!
Sergei is a well known artist in our town. He was already saved when he came to our services a few years ago, and I baptized him in 2009. After a while, he became too busy with his career, and drifted away from church. He would call me from time to time and tell me how his life was very busy, but empty, because he was not living for God. I assured him that we would be very happy to see him come back to us. Recently, he came back and had a wonderful Sunday with us. Pray that he will honor the Lord with faithful attendance.
Ruth needed to buy a Mary Kay cosmetic product, and we found that there was a dealer here in Oryol. Her name is Olga, and she is successful enough to have her own pink automobile! When we met with her in the office, she noticed that we were foreigners. When we told her our names, she said, “Oh! I know you people! You are the Americans who teach the Bible. Some of my friends have been to your classes, and they told me about you. I want to visit someday!” Pray for her.
She says that she has achieved financial success, but she is beginning to understand that life is not complete without God. Pray for Dennis. He continues to attend many of our services, but he does not seem to be concerned about his lost soul. He is young enough to think that he has plenty of time to prepare for eternity. The Devil uses many lies to deceive people. He tells them there is no heaven, and there is no hell, but the most dangerous lie is when he tells them there is no hurry. Pray that the Holy Spirit will apply Bible truth to Dennis’ heart and bring conviction.
Dmitry, a pastor in Ukraine, recently contacted me for some help with recorded music and songbooks for his church. I was glad to share some materials that I developed for use in our ministry here. They are on the “ministry” section of my website for anyone to use, along with many sermons and Bible lessons.
As I read the news about all the political confusion and economic turmoil in America, I am more thankful than ever for the faithful financial support that we receive from our friends. You can be sure that God will bless you for your generous giving to His work. In these uncertain times, it is vitally important to have God’s blessing on your life.
In the service of the King,
Don Ossewaarde