Soulwinning Presentation
(Microsoft Word format)
I recently finished a project that I have
thought about for a long time.
Many years ago, an insurance salesman came to my home. He pulled a book
from his briefcase that contained a presentation of his "sales pitch".
It was a laminated flip chart presentation that used graphics to walk me
through the main points. It was interesting and it held my attention, and
answered most of the questions that he anticipated I would ask. I have
often thought that I'd like to have a similar format for a soulwinning
presentation. I was trained in a very quick Romans road presentation that
works fine if you don't have much time, but I wanted something that would
be more appropriate for a situation where you can sit down with someone
at home and use a lot of different scriptures.
I wanted graphics, too. Chick tracts have their faults, but
they always get read. A picture often gets across an abstract
concept better than a thousand words.
It's not just something you read to them, it works as a visual
aid to what you normally might say. You might print it out on
half size pages, laminate it, bind it, and carry it with you
door to door.
Download the complete presentation
- zip 622kB

Page 1 - Jesus is the Creator
English-87kB |
Page 2 - Six Days of Creation
English-333kB |
Page 3 - Sin separates Man from God
English-29kB |
Page 4 - Man cannot reach God by good works
English-58kB |
Page 5 - Man's account book records Sin.
English-115kB |
Page 6 - Man is guilty and condemned
English-38kB |
Page 7 - Jesus comes to Earth
English-143kB |
Page 8 - Christ comes as a child
English-66kB |
Page 9 - Christ takes the sins of the world to the
English-68kB |
Page 10 - Christ is risen
English-70kB |
Page 11 - Our record may be exchanged for His record
English-131kB |
Page 12 - Jesus provides the way to Heaven
Page 13 - Salvation is a gift
English-26kB |
Page 14 - The gift is received or rejected
English-87kB |
Page 15 - Repentance and faith
English-23kB |
Page 16 - The broad way and narrow way
English-70kB |